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You Can Change Your Beliefs

23 June 2024 by
You Can Change Your Beliefs
Shane Porter

What is a belief, anyway?

Simply, a belief is a feeling of certainty about something and is formed as a result of our experiences.  It may just start off as an idea after a seed is planted (e.g heard a remark, saw something, felt something etc.) and then turn into a belief when further references cause the initial idea to develop.  And it doesn’t even matter if the belief is true or not.  If the belief is empowering, that belief is serving you well.  On the other hand, a belief that is disempowering can negatively impact your progress.  Beliefs that do not empower us, can and should be changed.

It’s never too late!

Some beliefs are long-held and may have developed over many years as a result of the ‘seeds being cultivated’ by family, friends, colleagues or others … either personally or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly … and through various channels.  The initial idea gradually develops into a belief as references are found to support it.  The more references someone has, the stronger that belief will be.

However, if that belief is disempowering, even if it is a long-held belief, you can still change it.

Change Your Limiting Beliefs!

change your beliefsFirstly, when we believe something (whether it’s true or not), we don’t question it.  We have a feeling of certainty about it.  We may even find plenty of references to back it up … even if those references are somewhat questionable.  Human beings have a great knack for deleting, distorting and generalising and many people go through life without questioning whether their beliefs empower them or not.  If beliefs are empowering, it doesn’t even matter if the references are imagined or inaccurate – very successful people can use their imaginations to drive them towards their dreams.  But when the beliefs are disempowering, the best results are never achieved … or the consequences may even be damaging.

Pain and Pleasure

Ultimately, each individual is responsible for shifting their disempowering beliefs to beliefs that serve them (or are empowering).  Only when someone is serious and sincere about questioning what they believe, will they be able to instil new beliefs that empower them.

Anthony Robbins teaches …

Pain is the ultimate tool for shifting a belief.

So, an individual could ask themselves questions such as:

  • What might happen if I continue with this belief? 
    • A. I will miss out on many opportunities.
  • What do I stand to lose by hanging onto this belief?
    • A. I will lose my earning potential.
  • Why am I hanging onto this belief?
    • A. Because I’m too scared to change.
  • What if I don’t change?
    • A. I will remain stuck … as a matter of fact, I will go backwards.
  • If I go backwards, what happens? 
    • A. I might lose my house.

Some of the clues for limiting beliefs contain negators such as can’t, won’t, never and always, as in: ‘I can’t’; ‘This won’t work’; ‘I never get it right’ and This always happens’.

And then replace the belief with one that is empowering:

You will be able to find references to support new empowering beliefs.  They are everywhere … if you just look.

No-one has to be stuck with disempowering beliefs.  They don’t serve you.  If they don’t serve you, why keep them? Replace them with beliefs that will not just sustain you, but will propel you in the direction of your dreams.

You Can Change Your Beliefs
Shane Porter 23 June 2024
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